A nonsense game to others, but it is a treasure to me. showing the stupidity, answering the ridiculousness. I see these as a beautiful memory. There are more than 150 questions in total, a week to answer, and of course few Q-As are very stupid which can make me LOLed and facepalm-ed every time i read them. But, i'll save those to myself and keep the others here as my treasure to share.
Imagine that ,you are a Sailormoon with your comrades, in a mission to save earth from the criminal, unexpectedly, one of your comrades is threat to death by the supervillain, but a victim trap in a room that will explode in any minute, who will you save?
I'm Sailormoon~! I'll save myself first. I'm a princess remember? kahkahkah.
In sailormoon's plot, she always save her comrades first. Then with magic, all the victim will automatically saved.
Why are you wearing purple raya clothes three years a row?
It give me a super natural power so I can detect a handsome guy in a minutes. kahkahkah. joke! I just love it. any problem with that?
Nope. Purple are soft. And u look gorgeous in it (oops. I shouldnt praise you that much. ok. Q. sun shines hard today, but do you prefer rain or what whether do you prefer actually?
Haha. Thank you. I'm ok with today. But I do love rainy days more. It makes me feel alive.
What is commitment to you?
Hurm, I wonder. As a super hero. I need to save the world isnt it? Yes. that is my answer. It is my responsibility to make sure earth is not in danger
I'm a second bumi's (which means a non-mus), were differentiated by our religion even we are the bumi's while malays are the 1st class bumi's. whats your opinion if real 1Malaysia is implemented where malay and other races/religion were given a fair quota
Er, I dunno. I admire how Indonesia & Thailand control their nationality. There are no such Chinese or Malays. They all Indonesian, they are all thailand's and speak their mother tongue fluently. I'm trying my hard for not becoming a racist. Luckily I can do that.
Yes! I agree. We can built our country base on love, trust & justice.
Would you like to have a dinner with me, which i cook by myself?
If you insist. why not? Its free anyway. Thank you for offering me. It will be my pleasure
Do you prefer a guy who smokes or a guy who do not?
A very clean personality of course. But guy who smoke looks cooler. Yes because they'll going to get 'cold' earlier. lulz
to be continued